Registration is required only to use teacher version of ZEE Class because it is a commercial program. After installation of "ZEE Class Teacher.exe", a teacher's icon is placed on desktop.

Open this teacher's icon from desktop.

A dialogue box is appeared which shows a specific Computer Code for your computer. Send your Computer Code to us via Contact Form or using any available medium as given below:

SMS/WhatsApp at +923334443449

Email at

Your registration information will be sent back to you in reply. Fill the fields in the box with relevant information as provided to you then click "Register" button.

A message box will be appeared after successful registration, click "OK" button in it.

Now, your computer has been registered and program of ZEE Class Teacher starts working in your computer for the specific time period as granted with respect to type of license.

Click Here to know more about ZEE Class?

Click Here to know how to install ZEE Class Teacher?

Click Here to know how to use ZEE Class Teacher?