Licensing system is used with following features:
- Allow/Block Saving
- Allow/Block Printing
- Allow/Block Copying
- Allow/Block Cutting
- Allow/Block Pasting
- No Drag & Drop
- No Shortcut Keys
- Hidden Formulas
- Inaccessible VBA Coding
Let us know about all above features one by one:
- Allow/Block Saving
Saving feature in the protected excel sheets can be allowed or blocked for the end-users. If saving is allowed then work can be saved in the same protected excel sheet or new copy of the protected excel sheet can be saved with similar protection. If saving is blocked then work can be saved in the same protected excel sheet or into new file.
- Allow/Block Printing
Printing on paper can be allowed or blocked in the protected excel sheets. All kinds of the other printings into soft form can also be restricted if printing feature is blocked in the protected excel sheets.
- Allow/Block Copying
- Allow/Block Cutting
- Allow/Block Pasting
Basic features can be allowed or blocked like copying, cutting and pasting in protected excel sheets. So, instant duplication or transportation of data is not possible in cells. If copying, cutting and pasting are kept disabled in the protected excel sheets then no shortcut keys are valid like Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V used respectively to copy, cut and paste. This way, all formulas in cells are safe from being copied or transferred to somewhere else.
- No Drag & Drop
Selected data in the protected excel sheet cannot be transferred to some other excel sheet just by the drag & drop. So, hidden formulas and data in cells cannot copied through dragging process.
- No Shortcut Keys
Almost all kinds of shortcut keys are disabled in the protected excel sheets especially which are used to duplicate data in cells as has been described previously.
- Hidden Formulas
Formulas in the cells are kept completely hidden in the protected excel sheet. Hidden formulas work perfectly as normal but no one can see them in the editing mode of the cells. Cells with the formulas shows only results of formularization but formulas are not accessible completely safe from being leaked.
- Inaccessible VBA Coding
VBA Coding and Macros are completely inaccessible. User can not access VBA Code in developer mode of Microsoft Excel. So, VBA Coding is remained safe from being copied, editing or manipulation. VBA Coding & Macros are one of the biggest commercial reason because of which excel worksheet are purchased by its potential customers. So, this programming section is secured from being accessed in the protected excel sheets because Visual Basic portion in developer tab is always empty.
Copy protected excel sheets are only for the usage. Protected excel files can be set free to be used but only within a closed environment. But If their distribution is needed to others then only registered users or paid customers can access the protected excel sheets. Intellectual property of the owner is secured even after being used or sent/sold to others. No leakage of data will be happened. Copy protected excel files can be sold to the customers using CD/DVD disc, USB drive or internet. I make excel files remarkably secured against their illegal copies using "Digital Rights Management (DRM)". Machine locking technique is used so copy protected files can be run only on registered computers. "Keys Generation System" is highly customizable to set following properties configuring trial or full version:
- Expiration
- Days
- Hardware Locking
- USB-Based Locking
Let us know about the above limitations which can be applied on the licensing:
- Expiration
Keys will be expired after a desired date and already registered data will stop working after expiry date. Hard type of detection prevents any bypassing of the expiration by date reversing. Expiration is mostly used for trial version of the protected data.
- Days
Number of days can be set for working of the protected data right after being registered. This type of the keys are often used for trial version of the protected data.
- Hardware Locking
Hardware-based licensing is used to bound the keys to work only on the specific computers. Keys are generated by using Computer Code of the user's computer. Computer Code for each computer is always unique. So, a hardware locked key only work on that specific computer which Computer Code is used to generate it.
- USB-Based Locking
Protected excel files can be bound and locked to a USB drive. So, these files will work only from the USB drive without acquiring any registration. USB-based locking is important if protected excel sheets are sold on the USB drives. Protected excel files work directly from relevant USB drives and users do not need any license to run them. protected excel files work on all computers but only from within the USB drive for which those are made.
All above described limitations can be used in the combination of each other. Almost all kinds of the schemes can be obtained to fulfill the needs of "Digital Rights Management (DRM)" for protected excel files whereas "Keys Generation System" is very flexible and easy to use.
Copy protection for the excel files can be checked and tested freely before considering any order. Please, download following sample project for the excel copy protection and check the level of protection by yourself. Download following "Sample Project" and extract files before using it.
* Any computer from Core2Duo to Core-i9
* Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11
*Microsoft Office 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019/2021/365
If you are satisfied with above sample project then contact me at Fiverr by clicking following button to discuss the excel copy protection for your project.